
Showing posts from February, 2022

My Writing Coach Profile- Blog Post 2

 Kimberly Winston      I am a third-year undergraduate student majoring in English Education at UWM. It was my freshman year of high school while reading Lord of the Flies when I first truly discovered a passion for the English and Language Arts subject and began envisioning myself one day teaching. The journey from then until now has given me many opportunities to grow as a writer and reader. I particularly enjoy papers that are about works of fiction because I love seeing how students can uncover the author's motive behind the work of fiction. In my writing, I am currently focusing on incorporating creative nonfiction writing into my life because that is one area of my writing that I can definitely improve on. I hope that becoming more comfortable in expressing the reality of our world through nonfiction writing will give me greater opportunities to impact those around me. When it comes to writing online, I have some experience but I definitely also have room to g...

Potentials and Pitfalls for Digital Media in the Urban ELA Classroom- Blog Post 1

My Experience with Digital Literacy By the time I was born in 2001, our world was already emerging into the greatest technological advancement our world has seen. Looking back on my childhood, technology seems almost inseparable from my younger years. In elementary school, I became obsessed with the Warrior Cats  series by Erin Hunter and I remember using the family iPad to look up websites that posted about the characters and events of the series. Eventually, I began writing my own version of the Warrior Cats and I started several versions of stories that I would never finish. My interactions with fan fiction through the fandom websites that I had found gave me my first introduction to my own style of creative writing. As an adult now, I envy the creative freedom that childhood me had and am constantly searching for a new way to revive the spark that I had then.  These days, I feel like a consumer of the world around me and I am constantly searching for a way to revive the in...